The Spikes

The Spikes

ACUMAT is a small mat made up of a foam base with multiple plastic spikes, also known as acupressure points. The spikes or points are designed to apply pressure to specific areas of the body, similar to the principles of acupuncture, to help relieve tension, reduce stress, and alleviate pain. The spikes are designed to be at varying heights and densities to target different pressure points on the body. When using an mat, people may experience a warm, tingling sensation or even slight discomfort as the points apply pressure to their body. ACUMATS are believed to help with a variety of conditions, including headaches, back pain, neck pain, anxiety, and insomnia. However, it is important to note that scientific research on the effectiveness of mats is limited, and they should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment.

How to use

How to use

Find a flat surface to lie down on, such as a bed or carpet. Place the acupressure mat on the surface. Sit down at the base of the mat and slowly lie back, placing your spine on the mat. Rest your head and neck on the pillow Extend your legs straight out or bend your knees, whichever feels more comfortable. Spread your arms out to your sides or place them on your stomach. Breathe deeply and relax for 15-30 minutes.


WARNINGS: Avoid abrupt movement during the session, as the petals can scratch the skin, addition, if you have moles, warts, inflammations or injury, be sure to protect them from the impacts of lotuses. Before using ACUMAT consult your doctor if you have stated at least one of the following diseases or states: • Coagulation problems (hemophilia) or using anti-coagulants. • Epilepsy • Substantial skin damage (severe eczema or general psoriasis, singes) in the area of use. • During pregnancy • Undergoing a fever or acute illness • Heart diseases • Severe form of various diseases • Thrombophlebitis Using ACUMAT does not cancel medication treatment; it can be used only as a complementary product to maintaining health. If you are using ACUMAT to eliminate the pain of any disease, prior to use, please consult your doctor.